Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Video: Plant Cell

What makes a plant cell different than an animal cell? As you watch this video try to find out what makes plant cells so special and try to guess in which part of the cell food production takes place. What is the process that allows plants to synthesize their own food? This short video takes a look inside the plant cell and will answer those question.

This video from Bioflix takes us on a tour of the plant cell.  The tour it takes is structured and simple. It clearly states the differences between plant cells and animal cells.  It then lists the functions of the different parts of the cell.  The narrator has a very upbeat voice and the visuals make you feel like you are actually on a tour inside the plant cell!  After watching you will be able have a general idea about plant cells.

(09 dartnellalexander).(2011, May 27). Tour of a Plant Cell.[Video File]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Article: Why Leaves Change Color

Fall is officially here..... Do you want to know why leaves change color this time of year? When we think of leaves we always think of the color green.  The substance that gives leaves their green color and helps in photosynthesis is called  chlorophyllWhat other pigments are found in leaves and why do some leaves turn brown while others turn red, yellow or orange?

This article is from the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry.  It is part of their Environmental Information Series and it was also featured on 
It is an easy read that will explain to you why leaves change colors in the fall. I liked this article because  it is simple while at the same time it explains that chlorophyll break down, other changes take place, why some trees lose leaves and others do not and how the weather affects color intensity.  On the same page as the article there is a Guide to Fall Colors in Upstate New York 

Palm Jr., C.E. (n.d.). Why Leaves Change Colors. Retrieved from 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Plants: Form and Function

Content Area :  Biology              

Unit of Study:  Plant Form and Function : Photosynthesis

Grade Level: 9